College of LawDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Our Commitment

The College of Law fosters a diverse school community comprised of students, faculty, 以及代表全球网络赌博平台周围世界的员工. 该机构重视并包容所有人 形式的多样性和积极营造一个环境,所有的社区成员 是否被鼓励和授权去学习、成长和茁壮成长.

The COL fully participates in campus-wide initiatives that support a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace, facilitated by the Office of People and Culture and other 资源组是大学社区的一部分,包括学生 包容中心和性别与性取向中心.


For more information, please contact the College of Law's Associate Dean of Students, Tom Taggart, at


The Jacksonville University Non-Discrimination Policy applies to all students, faculty and staff of the institution. 这项政策适用于教育和教育的各个方面 employment decisions, including recruitment, admission, hiring, as well as retention, 薪酬、调动和晋升机会. Consequently, the College 法律学院严格遵守大学对学生、教职员工的政策, but also includes additional specific prohibitions against segregation and discrimination 在其招生、就业和其他与法律项目相关的实践中 education.  

University Policy:

Jacksonville University values diversity, equity, and inclusion and strives to create 一个受欢迎的社区,所有利益相关者都感到受到重视和归属感.  We believe in lifelong learning and preparing globally minded citizens for the real world. 全球网络赌博平台招收来自世界各地的学生、教师、职员和领导 尊重能力、年龄、外貌、运动和学生组织的差异 involvement, ethnicity, faith, gender, gender expression, immigration status, language, 军人/退伍军人身份、国籍、政治意识形态、种族、宗教、人才、 sex, sexuality, socio-economic status, and other personal identities and experiences.  

Jacksonville University is an equal opportunity institution and prohibits discrimination. 全球网络赌博平台认为每个利益相关者都是杰克逊维尔大学公民的关键角色 对这项工作的责任和承诺. 

College of Law Policy:

杰克逊维尔大学法学院禁止歧视、隔离和 harassment on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability military or veteran status in matters of admissions, employment, services, or in the educational programs 或法学院的活动.


策略遵从性由 Office of People and Culture. The Office of People and Culture introduces new faculty and staff to the JU culture during onboarding. 人文办公室也提供教职员工 with training and development opportunities, health and wellness programming, access 对提交的投诉和不满给予利益、支持和行动. The Office of People and Culture accepts written complaints and grievances from faculty and staff, 这些问题将由国务院的适当领导进行审查和处理 Department.

Student Support and Resources

Student Inclusion Center

Among other organizations, the Student Inclusion Center (SIC)提高了大学社区成员的批判意识 多样性、包容性和社会正义. SIC的使命是支持服务不足的人 and marginalized populations, empower students to be their authentic selves, and advocate for the injustices of others through experiential learning and collaborative partnerships. The SIC为学生提供活动、研讨会、资源库和机会, faculty, and staff to make connections, and it operates through an open-door policy 为所有大学社区成员.

Events include, but are not limited to, Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month, 全国出柜日和宗教活动. 工作坊包括学生共融 Center 101, Inclusive Leadership, and Understanding Microaggressions, along with other 对学生、教职员工的专门培训. The SIC also supports cultural, 以信仰为基础,以及在JU的lgbqiaa +学生组织. The Director of the SIC works closely with the COL Associate Dean for Students/Associate Vice President of Student Experience to facilitate needs and support of law students while ensuring knowledge 并获得可用的节目. 

Center for Gender + Sexuality

The mission of the Center for Gender + Sexuality (CGS) is to elevate diverse voices and perspective and to provide opportunities for 大学社区的所有成员探索、组织和促进学习 围绕着性别和性的问题. CGS创造了重塑的机会 关于性别、性、种族、年龄、阶级、 国籍、种族、能力和其他身份影响着社会、文化、 在JU社区的教育和政治经验. The CGS offers a welcoming location, and it plans and delivers panel discussions on policy decisions, small group conversations on topics relevant to LGBTQIAA+ and women’s experiences, cultural resources, mentorship, safe space study halls, health fairs, and resources for health and wellness 特别针对LGBTQIAA+和与学生健康中心合作的女性.


The 退伍军人和军事资源中心 (VMRC)为全球网络赌博平台的许多军人和退伍军人学生提供支持和帮助. The mission of the VMRC is to honor the incredible value that veterans' leadership, 人生的经历和成熟给全球网络赌博平台校园的教育环境带来了什么 preparing each veteran or military student for life-long success in learning, achieving, 领导和服务渗透到大学的每一个元素. The VMRC assists prospective and current students with admission, transition, academic success, and student involvement, helping students leverage University resources like Admissions, Advising, the Registrar, the Controller, Student Financial Services, the Career Resource Center, the Counseling 中心,学生解决方案中心等.

In addition, the Director of the VMRC manages the Defenders Den, a space dedicated to the military community for quiet study, open meetings, events, or relaxing between campuses. 大学有幸得到大杰克逊维尔的支持 Area USO providing comfort and support to our military students in the Defenders Den. As a founding member of the Northeast Florida Military Veterans College Network, the University leverages the educational expertise of partners at fellow universities, military installations, Veterans’ Service Officers, and other stakeholders to provide 为全球网络赌博平台的军人学生和家庭提供最好的体验. 

The VMRC also delivers Green Zone training for faculty and staff at every level of the University to educate the school community about our veteran and military students 以及如何有效地为他们服务. 


The office of Disability Support Services (DSS) at Jacksonville University works with JU faculty and staff to provide all students 有平等的机会在课堂上学习,并有机会进入所有领域 阿灵顿和法学院的校园设施. 发展支助处的任务是支持 students with disabilities and medical conditions that may affect academic progress and success. DSS与教师和工作人员合作,在消除障碍的同时 追求卓越的教育和服务. 教室里的住宿条件包括: but are not limited to, priority seating, additional time for testing and assessments, 录音授权,替代测试格式,和教室的变化. The DSS also assists students with course scheduling, coordination of services with other University departments, counseling in faculty/peer relations, guidance in lifestyle 管理和社区机构推荐. 发展支助司司长密切合作 与学生事务副主任协调法律学生的请求,批准, 并在法学院提供特殊住宿.

Accreditation Information

Accreditation is the hallmark of quality and high standards for legal education and admission to the Bar. 杰克逊维尔大学法学院暂时 由美国律师协会(美国律师协会理事会)批准 Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738), and, in accordance with ABA rules, will continue to pursue full accreditation. 获得临时认证的法学院有权 完全被认可的法学院的所有权利. 同样,从ABA的角度来看, graduates of provisionally approved law schools are entitled to the same recognition 这是给予完全认可的法学院毕业生的待遇.

Jacksonville University
General Counsel